The Holidays Are Here… Is Your Budget Ready?

After dropping $100 worth of fuel in your tank, loading the children (along with hundreds of dollars worth of gifts), and punching in directions to Grandma’s, you’re finally off… here’s to the next four hours of uninterrupted road.
After an hour and a half of driving you begin to hear it—a low, foreboding buzz. Just as you reach for the radio to drown the sound out, your car loses power, forcing you to pull off to the side of the road. Before you begin to panic and imagine the worst, you remembered you recently purchased a GMPP with Smith Chevy Warranty. Though the breakdown happened at the most inopportune time, you rest assured knowing that your car (and wallet) are secure.
So, You’re on the Side of the Road…
Back to your trip to Grandma’s.
You’re currently stuck on the side of the road—so who do you call? Do you call a towing service? What about your friend that lives in the area? Or what if you had 24/7 roadside assistance, courtesy of your GMPP.
With roadside assistance, you have access to a number of services including:
- Flat tire change
- Battery Jump
- Locksmith/Key Service (not available in Kansas)
- Out-of-gas fuel delivery
- Towing
In the event your vehicle is towed, your GMPP will offer $40 a day for rental services or public transportation, with up to $175 per visit, if your vehicle is accepted for repairs covered by the warranty. The total limit can be increased to $280 per visit if the repair is delayed due to waiting for a part.
Is Your Breakdown Covered by a GMPP?
After they towed your car to a GM Dealership, you’re left with some concerns. Will your car part be covered by your GMPP, and more importantly, will you make it to Grandma’s on time for Christmas?
Luckily for you, a GMPP covers your vehicle’s most expensive parts, including damage due to wear and tear and your vehicle’s main powertrain. Parts covered by both a Silver and Platinum GMPP include:
- Engine
- Front / Rear-wheel-drive assemblies
- Transmission/Transaxle
- Fuel System
- Front Suspension
- Steering System
- Vehicle manufacturer-installed air conditioning systems
- Braking system components
- Electrical and computer systems
If you choose to get a Platinum GMPP, additional covered parts include:
- Engine cooling system
- Heating
- Audio systems
- Front and rear suspension
- High-tech components
- Seals and gaskets
- Safety assemblies
So Where Will My Car Be Fixed?
You know there’s a GM dealership back at home, but you’re almost to Grandma’s…Do you have to turn around and go all the way back?
Of course not! With a GMPP, you can have your vehicle repaired at any GM dealership throughout the United States and Canada. At a GM dealership, expert technicians will repair your vehicle with quality parts—meaning less time in the shop and more time on the road.
Grandma, Here We Come
After only three hours in the shop, your vehicle is ready to go—good as new. You hit the road with a new spirit as you finish the drive to Grandma’s…just in time for Christmas dinner. Without a GMPP, your holiday may have been ruined, along with your budget!
For more information on how to get a GMPP or what plan may be right for you, contact Smith Chevy Warranty. In the extended warranty industry since 1923, Smith Chevy can help you protect your car today and help you with additional benefits like roadside assistance.